Cotuit is a village in the Town of Barnstable in Barnstable County. The Cotuit Fire District was incorporated by an act of the Massachusetts General Court in 1926 which grants the district the authority to establish public safety services, including a fire department and rescue personnel; a water department to provide the village with drinking water; and a Prudential Committee to oversee the budgets and infrastructure of the district. There are ten elected officials: a Moderator; three members of the Prudential Committee; three members of the Board of Water Commissioners; and three members of the Board of Fire Commissioners. Each elected official serves a three-year term. An annual district meeting is convened on the last Wednesday of May, preceded by the annual elections where one member of the Prudential, Fire and Water boards is elected by ballot.
According to the 1995 Town of Barnstable Comprehensive plans, Cotuit, one of the less densely populated of the villages, has a year-round population of roughly 2,600, with an additional 1,600 summer residents.